Actualmente culminando su maestría en Fotografía, Roberto Pérez (Trebor Blak ) desde muy temprana edad comenzó a prestar interés por las bellas artes. Su travesía comenzó durante su niñez tomando cursos de dibujo , pintura y también tinta china. No fue hasta que comenzó sus estudios universitarios que descubrió el maravilloso universo de la fotografía. A participado de varias exposiciones que lo han ayudado a desarrollarse como artista a lo largo de su carrera como fotografo de profesion:
"Nigromante" presentada en - El Bizarro (2014 ): Exhibicion de arte extraño presentado en San Patricio durante el Puerto Rico Horror Film Fest. Para participar de esta exhibición la obra fue seleccionada y evaluada por un panel de expertos.
"Nigromante" presentada en - Photo+Gráfica (2013): Exhibicion de Arte Digital celebrada anualmente en Atlantic University.
"Mammon, Un demonio en la iglesia" presentada en - Catarsis (2024): Exhibición de arte celebrada durante el curso de Cultura Visual dentro de la Maestría en Fotografía
En la actualidad vive del arte de la fotografía a través de la empresa Trebor Blak Visual Arts fundada en noviembre 2012.
Página Web: https://www.treborblak.com/
Currently completing his Master's in Photography, Roberto Pérez (Trebor Blak) developed an interest in the fine arts from a very young age. His journey began during childhood, taking courses in drawing, painting, and Chinese ink. It wasn't until he started his university studies that he discovered the wonderful world of photography.
He has participated in several exhibitions that have helped him grow as an artist throughout his professional photography career:
He has participated in several exhibitions that have helped him grow as an artist throughout his professional photography career:
"Nigromante" presented at El Bizarro (2014): An exhibition of strange art presented in San Patricio during the Puerto Rico Horror Film Fest. To participate in this exhibition, the work was selected and evaluated by a panel of experts.
"Nigromante" presented at Photo+Gráfica (2013): A Digital Art exhibition held annually at Atlantic University.
"Mammon, A Demon in the Church" presented at Catarsis (2024): An art exhibition held during the Visual Culture course within the Master's in Photography.
Currently, he makes a living through the art of photography via his company, Trebor Blak Visual Arts, founded in November 2012.
Website: https://www.treborblak.com/